Is Matcha actually good for your health?

Here's 4 insane Health Benefits (we did research).

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6 Min Read

If you’ve been seeing your friends or favourite celebrities sipping on a cup of perfectly gradient Matcha latte in a café or making one at home, you’re not alone. 

Like coffee, Matcha culture is quickly growing and becoming easily available AND affordable for everyone.

But you may be wondering – “Why the sudden rise in Matcha’s popularity?”.

Well, not only does it make for an insta-worthy drink, Matcha is packed with nutrients that provide a host of health benefits for the body.

We did our research and picked out the most noteworthy benefits that might just make you love Matcha even more!


5 Matcha Mistake You Are Making Right Now

Are you wasting your Matcha Powder by making these mistakes?

But first – What exactly is Matcha?

Matcha is powdered Camellia Sinensis, a type of Japanese green tea.

How Matcha is produced:

Unlike most tea plants, the Matcha plant is cultivated differently. 20-30 days before harvest, the Matcha plant is shaded with a bamboo mat to avoid direct sunlight. This method boosts its chlorophyll production, in-turn increasing its nutritional content; it is also what gives Matcha its signature vibrant green colour!

After the leaves have been harvested, their stem and veins are removed. Only the flesh is stone-ground into Matcha powder.

How Matcha is prepared:

Matcha tea is prepared by whisking Matcha powder in water, before it is consumed as is or infused in other drinks or desserts. This means that compared to steeping green tea leaves in water, you are consuming the whole tea leaf and all its nutrients when you drink Matcha.

So, what exactly are these nutrients and benefits you’re getting when you drink Matcha? Let's check it out.

Note: The information shared in this article is not exhaustive. Readers are still advised to do your own research before making any conclusions regarding the health benefits of Matcha.

1. Reduces Inflammation

Matcha can help to reduce inflammation in the body. Matcha contains a high concentration of Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG)

What is EGCG?

Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) is a main bioactive component in green tea. It is a type of catechin with a high antioxidant capacity.

EGCG has been found to regulate inflammatory processes by reducing reactive oxygen species (ROS), an element which can promote inflammation when produced in excess.

How it benefits you:

Drinking Matcha could help with acne, sinusitis, asthma and other inflammatory diseases.

2. Reduces risk of cancer

EGCG has anti-cancer effects. EGCG has been attributed to having the ability to inhibit tumour growth factors. Studies have found that EGCG can lead to preventing obesity-related carcinogenesis, colorectal cancer, and biliary duct cancer.

3. Protect against heart disease

The antioxidant capability of EGCG can reduce oxidative stress on the heart. This regulates the inflammatory process and prevents cardiac inflammatory changes. Ultimately, EGCG may serve as a protective layer on the heart muscle in patients who may be experience a lack of blood flow during a surgery, which can be fatal.

4. Lower risk of Alzheimer's

EGCG can enhance cognitive function and help protect against neurological disorders caused by inflammation. By reducing oxidative stress and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) production, it could prevent neuroinflammation and neuropathologies related to neurodegenerative diseases, like Alzheimer’s disease.

Now that you’re aware of just some of the many health benefits Matcha can provide you, it’s time to incorporate a cup or two into your daily routine to reap those benefits!

For a more comprehensive understanding on the Health Benefits and Chemical Composition of Matcha Green Tea, you may refer to this review paper and sources cited within it.

Want to make Matcha part of your routine?

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